Saturday, December 02, 2006

Fall Semester Wrap Up (Sans Technical Difficulties)

I must admit that I'm still quite tuckered out today. But it's a happy tired; the sort of fatigue that comes from fulfilling work and a day of adventures and memory-making. It was a non-stop day of work, shopping, brochure and DVD delivering, and watching the Liberal convention. The latter item on that list made the day rather splendid though, in addition to laughing and singing with friends at the banquet tonight, and getting the beach house in the Game of Life. While I may have earned very little money, ended up with a salary of $20,000, and had no children whatsoever, my love for Life remains unabated. On a real-life note, Dion is, I am certain, going to make a wonderful prime minister, and he's the sort of politician who strives to unify rather than divide. As he iterated today, the Conservatives aren't bad people; Conservative ways of bettering the country simply aren't ideal. I'm pretty excited for the likely upcoming election, and for our discussion in Poli Sci class on Monday. Seriously, anyone who names their dog Kyoto should automatically receive some sort of power. I'll have to write about the Liberal's future at another time though, because I still have to do my devotions and it's currently 1:40, and I need to get some zzzs before choir tomorrow. But remember, "tous ensemble!" (If you find this reference confusing, you really are missing out on political convention fun! I'll fill you in if you'd like.) Also, please admire how beautiful and lovely the drawing of Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau is. It reminds me of a Wes Anderson movie, and is obviously a portrait of an excessively pretty person. If anyone could rock a comb-over, it was Trudeau.

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