Sunday, March 06, 2005


Hello all!

Welcome to my brand spanking new blog, born into this puzzling post-modern world. I figured one more place to express myself couldn’t hurt; indeed, one can never dissent/contemplate/gush too much. I hope to keep this blog interesting, but expect you to keep me accountable if I don’t! I'll post tons of pictures, and maybe they'll do a bit to break up my meandering blabbering. Since I’m a really passionate person (perhaps overly so), it’ll be tricky for me to run out of things to say. However, what I find fascinating may bore you to death--read at your own risk. I plan to write again, so keep posted!

Asta la vista!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're Canadian!! That's totally awesome dude. you seem to be totally rockin it out here on blogger, but you should really stop with all the goofing around, and get down to some real juicy goodness of Canadianna!

Anonymous said...

You know you can count on me as your accountability partner for blog-goodness. I'm not afraid to crack the whip!

Daughter #2